FCGP To-Do List
Here you will find updated descriptions of the various graphics needed to complete & improve FreeCraft. If you find a description that needs improving, email nate with the update. There are two parts to each description: Artistic & Function.
- Artistic describes the current look & feel desired for the graphic. Ignore this at your descretion. i.e. if you have a better idea, use it!
- Function describes the functionality of the graphic irrespective of how it looks. This should be carefully considered at all times.
[Icons & Stuff] [Human Units] [Human Buildings] [Mythical Units] [Mythical Buildings] [Other Units & Buildings] [User Interface]
- freecraft.png
- Artistic:
- Function: splash screen at beginning of game
- health.png
- Artistic:
- Function: shows a unit's current health rating
- mana.png
- Artistic:
- Function: shows a unit's current magic rating
Notice: This to-do list is under heavy construction. Please refer to the Image Gallery instead...
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