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Abacus, 272.
Abbey, Westminster, 297.
Abutments, 259.
Acanthus, 274.
Achmet, mosque of, 292.
Acroteria, 267.
Acute arch, 258.
Adjective colors, used in calico printing, 190.
Admission of cold air, 308, 311, 314.
Adventitious color, in painting, 226.
Aerial perspective, 224.
Aerostation, invention of, 78.
Agate, 89.
Agave, 110.
Agriculture in Egypt, 34.
Agrigentum, temple at, 278.
Agrippa, dome built by, 262.
Air, in the calcination of argillaceous cements, 94, note. Fire in the open, 307. Admission of cold, 308, 311, 314.
Air-flues, heating by, 318.
Air-furnaces, 315.
Alabaster, 87.
Alburnum, or sap wood, 101.
Alexandria, the Pharos at, 342.
Alhambra, 301.
Alhazen, an Arabian philosopher, 72. Wrote on optical subjects, 74.
Aloes, 110.
Alphabet, arrow-headed, 195. See Letters.
Alto relievo, 245.
Amalgams, 97.
Amber, 99.
American larch, 107.
Amianthus, uses of, 91.
Amphiprostyle temples, 275.
Amphitheatre, the Roman, 60, 285.
Ancarville, M.D', on the Indian subterraneous caverns, 50.
Ancients and moderns, compared, as to the arts and sciences, 14.
Angelo, Michael, 261.
Animal kingdom, materials from the, used in the arts, 115; skins, 115; hair and fur, 115; quills and feathers, 116; wool, 116; silk, 117; bone and ivory, 117; shell, 117; horn, 118; tortoise shell, 118; whalebone, 118; glue, 118; oil, 119; wax, 119; phosphorus, 119.
Animal textures, preservation of, 140.
Animals, bulk of, 126. Preservation of, 132, 133, 145.
Animé, 114, 174.
Annotto, a dye, 189.
Annulets, 272.
Antae, temples with, 275.
Anthracite coal, 100, 304.
Anthracite grates, 314.
Antimony, properties and uses of, 99, 200.
Antiseptics, 134, 137.
Antoninus, the column of, 60. Temple of, and of Faustina, 268, 287.
Apelles, a Grecian painter, 58.
Apollo de Belvidere, 84, 249.
Apollo Didymaeus, façade of the temple of, 282.
Appert, his process of preserving food, 146.
Application of colors, 170.
Aquatinta, engraving in, 234.
Aqueducts, of Rome, 61, 285. Leaden, 96.
Arabesque, 293.
Arabia Petraea, ruins in, 71.
Arabians, arts of the, 71.
Araestyle intercolumniation, 277, note.
Araeo-systile, 290, note.
Arago, M., his description of the discovery of the Daguerreotype, 179. Speculations by, 180.
Arbor-vitae, 107.
Arcades, 259.
Arches, triumphal, of the Romans, 60, 285. Different kinds of, 256. Of Theseus, 288. Triumphal, of Constantine, 289. Of Trajan, 290.
Archil, a dye, 187.
Architectural moulds, 246, 247.
Architecture, among the Egyptians, 23, 269. Hindoo, 50, 271. Persian, 52. Hebrew, 54. Grecian, 57, 272. Doric Order in, 57, 272. Ionic, 58, 273. Corinthian, 58, 274, 285. Roman, 59, 284. Composite Order in, 59, 284. Chinese, 69, 271. Revival of, 72. Saracenic, 72, 292. Gothic, 72, 263, 301. Meaning of, and origin of styles in, 252. Details respecting, 252. Greco-Gothic, 263, 292, 300. Definitions in, 266. Mouldings in, 268. See Buildings, Houses, and Orders of Architecture.
Architrave of the entablature, 267.
Archivolt, 258.
Arena, 60, 285.
Argand lamps, 81, 338.
Argillaceous rocks, cements from, 92, 94, note.
Arkwright, Sir Richard, invention by, 77.
Arnott's thermometer stove, 317.
Arrangement of letters, 194.
Arrow-headed alphabet, 195.
Arsenic, 99.
Arsenical soap of Becoeur, 145, note.
Artists, scientific and empirical, 14.
Arts, application of the word, 13. Connexion of, with the sciences, 13; their comparative connexion, in ancient times and modern, 14. Application of philosophy to the, among the moderns, 16. First steps in the, 21. Of the Egyptians, 22. Of the Assyrians, 48. Of the Hindoos, 50. Of the Persians, 52. Of the Hebrews, 54. Of the Grecians, 56. Of the Romans, 58. Of the Chinese, 68. Of the Arabians, 71. Of the Middle Ages, 72. Of modern times, 74. Of the nineteenth century, 80.
Asbestos, properties and uses of, 91.
Ash, properties and uses of, 103.
Asphaltum, 99, 168.
Association of light and shade in chiaro oscuro, 220.
Assyrians, arts of the, 48.
Astral Lamps, 334.
Athens, besieged by Venetians, 281.
Atmospheric engine, invented, by Newcomen, 79.
Attic, definition of, 268.
Attic base, 273, 298
Attrition of materials, 152.
Augustan Age, architecture of the, 59.
Augustus, edifices built in the reign of, 59.
Automaton lamp, Porter's, 336.
Azure, see Ultramarine


Baal, supposed to be the statue of Belus, 49.
Babylon, built by Belus, 48. Account of, 49. Completion of the walls of, 49. Walls and hanging gardens of, 50. Ruins of, 50.
Babylonian bricks, 195.
Baccius, Andrew, on the Thermae of Diocletian, 62.
Bacon-, Roger, his knowledge of optical instruments, 76.
Badigeon, distemper in, 171.
Bagisthan, Mount, sculptured into statues, 50.
Bais, Bay of, resort to the, by the ancient Romans, 93.
Balbec, 285. Circular temple at, 290.
Balloons, the first, 78.
Baltimore Monument, 264.
Bank of the United States, 264.
Bark, remarks on, 102. A writing material, 195.
Bark-mills, 155.
Bars, see Beams.
Barton's lamp, 336.
Base of a column, 266.
Basilica of the Romans, 285.
Basis of colors, 184.
Bass-reliefs, 245.
Basswood, properties and uses of, 104.
Baths, description of the Roman, 62, 285.
Battlements, 295.
Bayberry-wax, 119.
Bay windows, 295.
Beams, compression of, 122. Lateral strain of, 123. Stiffness of, 123. Hollow, 124. Strength of, 124. Place of strain in, 125. Incipient fracture in, 125. Practical remarks on, with illustrations, 126. Tie, 264. Sagging, 265. Splicing, 265.
Beckman, cited on chimneys and dwellings previously to the reign of Elizabeth, 74.
Becoeur, arsenical soap of, 145, note.
Bedsteads, Egyptian, 43.
Beech, properties and uses of, 104.
Beeswax, 119.
Belus, Babylon built by, 48. Statue of, 49.
Belzoni, Giovanni Battista, 22. Pyramid penetrated by, 25.
Beni Hassan, tombs of, 48.
Benzoin, 174.
Berthier, on hydraulic cements, 94, note.
Bice, 165.
Bill of types, 201.
Binding, connexion of materials by, 158.
Birch, properties, and uses made of, 105.
Birds, preservation of, 145.
Birdseye maple, 104.
Birdseye view, 219.
Bismuth, properties, and uses of, 99.
Bistre, 168.
Bating in, in etching, 232.
Bitumen, 99.
Bituminous coals, 304.
Black dyes, 189. Fast colors in,. 191. Fugitive colors, 192.
Black lead, 101.
Black spruce, 106.
Black varnish, 175.
Black walnut, 105.
Blacks, 168.
Blanc de Troyes, 169.
Blast furnaces, 315.
Bleaching, the process of, 183.
Bleaching salt, 183.
Blue dyes, 185. Fast colors, 192. Fugitive colors, 193.
Blue vat, 192.
Blue verditer, 165.
Blues, 164.
Boards, used as writing materials, 195, note.
Boats, Egyptian, 43.
Body colors, 164.
Boiling and bucking, in bleaching, 183.
Bole, 166.
Boltels, 295.
Bolting, the operation of, 157.
Bolts, use of, 158.
Bombycina, 198.
Bonaparte's expedition to Egypt, 22.
Bone, composition and uses of, 117.
Books, the gilding of, 177.
Boring, 151.
Boston, State House in, 264.
Boxes, Egyptian, 43.
Boxwood, properties and uses of, 108, 238.
Bramante, St. Peter's church begun by, 261.
Brande, on light, 346.
Brass, composition of, 96. Extension and compression of, 122. Written upon, 195.
Brazil wood, colors from, 166, 188.
Braziletto, 188.
Brazing, 161.
Breaking joints, 256.
Brennus, burning of Rome by, 58.
Brick-making in Egypt, 34.
Bricks, written upon, 195.
Bridges of the Romans, 61.
Bronze, among the ancient Egyptians, 45. Composition of, 96.
Bronze-casting, 247.
Browns, 168, 191.
Bruneleschi, dome built by, 261.
Brunswick green, 168.
Brutus, Decimus, 195.
Bruyere, on an artificial puzzolana, 94, note.
Bucking and boiling, in bleaching, 183.
Buckthorn, sap green from, 168.
Buff, fast color, 192.
Buffon, on felling trees, 136.
Buhrstone, 88, 156.
Building fires, 303, 314.
Buildings, origin of styles of, 252. Elements of, 252. Foundations of, 253. Columns of, 253. Walls of, 254. Lintels, 256. Arches of, 256. Abutments of, 259. Arcades, 259. Vaults, 259. Domes of, 259. Roofs of, 264. Styles of, 266. Definitions respecting, 266. Measures of, 268. Drawings of, 268. Restorations of, 269. Egyptian style of, 269; Chinese, 271; Grecian, 272; Roman, 284; Greco-Gothic, 292; Saracenic, 292; Gothic, 293. See Architecture, Houses, and Orders of Architecture.
Bulk, limit of, in materials and animals, 126.
Bunker Hill Monument, 85.
Burning of smoke, 329.
Burnish gilding, 177.
Burnishers, 229.
Burns's grates, 314.
Burnt sienna, 166.
Burr, in engraving, 230.
Bustrophedon, Greek and Irish, 194, and 194, note.
Busts, meaning of, 245.
Butternut, a dye, 189.
Buttonwood, 105.
Buttresses, explanation of, 265, 295. Flying, 297.


Cabillia, discoveries by, 25.
Cabinet-maker's tools among the Egyptians, 42.
Cadmus, letters introduced by, 194.
Caius Caesar, 288.
Calamus, 198.
Calcareous stones, 82.
Calico printing, described, 190.
Calicoes, first manufactured, 77. Printing of, by cylinders, 77.
Calicut, calicoes introduced into England from, 77.
Callimachus, 274, note.
Calmet, on the Jewish Tabernacle, 54.
Caloric, see Heat.
Cambyses, conqueror of Egypt, 29.
Cameos, 222, 250.
Camera obscura, invented, 76.
Camwood, 188.
Canals, Chinese, 69.
Candles, 332.
Canute, King of Denmark, body of, 141.
Caoutchouc, extended use of, 81. Its properties and uses, and the mode of obtaining it, 112. Cloths, &c, 113. Varnish from, 175.
Capital of a column, 266. Origin of the Corinthian, 274, note.
Capitol at Washington, 85, 263.
Carmine, 166. Carnac, ruins of, 30.
Carnelian, 89.
Carpentry, Egyptian, 42.
Carriages, in Paris, in 1550, 75. In England, in 1625, 75.
Carrying heat, 318.
Carthamus tinctorius, 166.
Cartoons, 172.
Caryatides, 274.
Case, type, 201.
Casting, union of metals by, 161. In plaster, 245. Bronze, 247.
Casts, plaster, 245, 246. Preservation of, 247, note.
Catacombs, Egyptian, 32. See Tombs.
Catenary arch, 257.
Catgut, preparation of, 144.
Cathedral, of Milan, 259, 263. St. Paul's, 261. Strasburg, 263. Pisa, 292. York, 296, 297. At Ely, 300. Salisbury, 301.
Causes of loss of heat, 322.
Caverns, in India, 50.
Cavetto, a moulding, 268.
Caxton, printing in England by, 209.
Cedar, white, 107. Red, 107.
Cell of a Grecian temple, 275.
Cements, substances used for, in the arts, 91; limestone, 91; puzzolana, 92; tarras and other cements, 93; maltha, 95. Application of different kinds of, 159.
Centaurs, sculptures of, 272, 281.
Centre of a picture, 214.
Centring of an arch, 257.
Cerulin, a modification of indigo, 186.
Ceruse, 169.
Chairs, Egyptian, 42.
Chalk, use of, in the arts, 87. Lithographic, 241.
Chalk drawings, preparation for lithographic, 240.
Chamois leather, 144.
Champollion, M., hieroglyphics deciphered by, 23, 194, note.
Chancel, in architecture, 294.
Changing the color of material, 163; by applying superficial color, 163; by changing intrinsic color, 183.
Chanter and Gray, on the burning of smoke, 329.
Charcoal, durability and use of, 138. Preparation of, 305.
Charlemagne, clock sent to, 73.
Charles VII., 78.
Charring timber, 138.
Chemical printing, 239.
Cherry tree, properties and uses of the wild, 103.
Chestnut, properties and uses of, 103.
Chiaro oscuro, 220; light and shade, 220; association, 220; direction of light, 221; reflected light, 221; expression of shape, 222; eyes of a portrait, 222; shadows, 224; aerial perspective, 224.
Chimneys, absence of, among the Romans, 62. Introduced in Italy and England, 74. Loss of heat in, 322. Smoky, 326. Damp, 326. Short, 327.
Chinese, arts of the, 68. Wall, 69. Canal, 69. Buildings, 69. Inventions claimed by the, 70, 73, 76, 210. Materials, tools, and manufactures of the, 70. Style of architecture, 271. Columns, 301.
Chipolin, 171.
Chloride of lime, used in bleaching, 183.
Chlorine, bleaching with, 183, 184.
Choir, in architecture, 294.
Choragic monument, of Lysicrates, 58, 283. Of Thrasyllus, 281.
Christians, place of the martyrdom of, 60.
Chromate of lead, 190.
Chrome red, 165.
Chrome yellow, 167.
Churches, St. Paul's, in Boston, 85. St. Paul's, in London, 260, 261. St. Peter's, 261. Of St. Maria del Fiore, 261. Of St. Genevieve, 262. St. Mark's, 262, 292. St. Paul's, at Rome, 300.
Cider mills, 156.
Cimon, Temple of Theseus erected by, 279.
Cinnabar, 165.
Circular saws, 153.
Cities and towns, Egyptian, 28, 33.
City Hall, at New York, 263.
Civilization, remarks on the progress of, from barbarism, 14. Early Egyptian, 48.
Clay, 90. Refractory, 91. In hydraulic cements, 94, note.
Clay models, in sculpture, 245.
Cloacae, the Roman, 59.
Clocks, invention and early use of, 73. Moved by weights, 76.
Close rooms, smoky, 327.
Cloth, ancient Egyptian, 38, 40. Bleaching, 183.
Cloth paper, 171.
Coaches, three in Paris, in 1550, 75. In England, in 1625, 75.
Coal, composition of, 99. Its uses, 100. Anthracite, 100. On kindling, 303. Combustible matter of, 304, 313. Grates for, 313.
Coal gas, 344.
Coal grates, 313.
Cobalt, 99.
Coccus cacti, 166.
Cochineal, 166, 187.
Cockles of stoves, 317.
Cocoons, 117.
Coffer walls, 255.
Cohesion, 148.
Coke, preparation of, 100, 305.
Colcothar, 166.
Cold Air, admission of, 308, 311, 314.
Coliseum, built by Vespasian, 60. Martyrdom of Christians in the arena of the, 60. Material of the, 83. Described, 263, 285.
Cologne black, 117, 169.
Colonnade of the Louvre, 290, note.
Color of materials, on changing the, 163; by applying superficial color, 163; by changing intrinsic color, 183.
Color mills, 157.
Colored engravings, execution of, 237.
Coloring substances, 164; blues, 164; reds, 165; yellows, 166; greens, 167; browns, 168; blacks, 168; whites, 169. Preparation of, 169. Application of, 170. Substantive and adjective, 184.
Colors, remarks on, 164. Water, 170. Fast, 191. Fugitive, 192. The primary, 224. Mixed, 225. Original and adventitious, 226. Warm and cold, 226. Neutral, 227. See Dyes.
Columns, among the ruins of Persepolis, 53. Around the Jewish Tabernacle, 54. Monumental, at Rome, 60. Trajan's, 60, 262. At St. Petersburgh, 84. In buildings, 253. Definitions of the several parts of, 266. Mode of measuring, 266, Cuts of, 267. Egyptian, 269. Cuts of a series of, 297.
Combustible substances used in the arts, 99; bitumen, 99; amber, 99; coal, 99; anthracite, 100; graphite, 101; peat, 101; sulphur, 101. See Coal and Fuel.
Communication of heat, 306.
Composing, in printing, 202.
Composing-stick, 202.
Composite order, in architecture, 59, 284.
Compositors, in printing, 201, 202.
Compression, on materials, 121, 122.
Concord, Temple of, 278.
Conducted heat, 306.
Constantine, triumphal arch of, 60, 289.
Contiguous doors cause smoke, 327.
Contiguous flues, 329.
Contrast, 226.
Convex lenses, known about the year 1100, 72.
Copal, 114, 173, 174.
Copper, properties of, and its uses in the arts, 96. Extension of, 122. Sheathing of ships with, 131.
Copperplate engraving, 228, 229. Printing, 236.
Copying machines, 199.
Corbel, definition of, 295.
Corinthian order in architecture, 58, 274. Popular in Rome, 285.
Cork, properties and uses of, 109.
Cornice, of a pedestal, 266. Of an entablature, 267. Egyptian style of, 270.
Correcting the press, meaning of, with signs for, 203.
Corrosive sublimate, injection of bodies with, 142.
Corsellis, printing in England by, 209.
Corundum, 89.
Coster, invention of printing ascribed to, 74. Facts as to, 209.
Cotton, fibres of, 38, 111. Egyptian cloth from, 40. Hargreaves' and Arkwright's machines for spinning, 77. Properties and gins for cleansing, 111.
Couches, Egyptian, 43.
Coverings of roofs, 85, 265.
Cradle, an engraving instrument, 233.
Crayons, 170.
Cream of lime, 344.
Crevices, loss of heat from, 323.
Crimson, 191.
Crockets, in architecture, 295.
Crocus martis, 166.
Crum, Mr. on cernlin, 186.
Crushing materials, 154.
Culverts, 326.
Cupolas, 259. See Domes.
Curb roofs, 264.
Curio, Alessandro, 76.
Curled maple, 104.
Currying leather, 143.
Cutting glass, 37. Materials, 149.
Cutting machines, 150.
Cuttle fish, black liquid from, 169, 199.
Cyclopean walls, 57.
Cymatium, a moulding, 268.
Cypress, properties and uses of, 107.


Daguerre, M., discovery of photography by, 178.
Daguerreotype, account of the use of the, 179.
Damp chimneys cause smoky rooms, 326.
Danube, bridge over the, 61.
Dark Ages, arts of the, 72.
Date tree, ropes made from the, 41.
Davy, Sir Humphrey, on the Herculaneum manuscripts, 197. On the brilliancy of flames, 332. Safety lamp of, 347.
Decomposition, see Preservation.
Definitions in perspective, 214. In architecture, 266.
Demosthenes, Lantern of, 58, 283.'
Denon, monolithic temple engraving by, 270.
Dentels, 273.
Derbyshire Infirmary, ventilation of the, 326.
Derbyshire spar, 88.
Designing and painting, details respecting the arts of, 211. See Painting.
Designs, oil paintings of, 173.
Detrusion in cutting, 149.
Dew rotting hemp, 109.
Diameters, measurement of columns by, 266. Definition of, 268.
Diamond, 89.
Diana venatrix, 84.
Diastyle intercolumniation, 277, note.
Die of a pedestal, 266.
Diocletian, the baths of, 62. Palace of, 292, 300.
Diodorus, on the spire of Semira-mis, 27. On the Egyptian obelisks, 27. On working the gold mines of Egypt, 46. Facts from, respecting Nineveh, 49; respecting works by Semiramis, 49, 50; in regard to the mountain Bagisthan, 50.
Dipteral temples, 276.
Directing plane, 214.
Direction of light, 221.
Distance, in perspective, 212. Points of, 215.
Distemper, painting in, 170. In badigeon, 171.
Diving-bells, 79.
Division of materials, 148; by fracture, 148; by cutting, 149; cutting and planing machines, 150; penetration, 150; boring and drilling, 151; mortising, 151; turning, 152; attrition, 152; sawing, 152; crushing, 154; stamping, 154; grinding, 156.
Dobereiner, discovery by, in platinum, 350.
Docking timber, 139.
Dolomieu, 84.
Domes, 259. Construction of, 260. Of the Pantheon, 260, 262, 286. Of St. Paul's, 260, 261. Of the Halle du Bled, 261. Plate giving a comparative view of, 261. Of St. Peter's church, 261. Of the church of St. Maria del Fiore, 261. Of the church of St. Genevieve, 262. Of the mosque of St. Sophia, 262. Of St. Mark's church, at Venice, 262. Coverings for, 265. Of the Oriental mosques, 292.
Doors, contiguous, cause smoky rooms, 327.
Doric order of architecture, 57, 272.
Double fireplaces, 310.
Dovetailing, 158.
Dovetailing machines, 154.
Down, 116.
Drawing, mode of lithographic, 241. Etching the, 242. See Designing and Painting.
Drawing paper, 230.
Drawings, preparation for lithographic, 240. Of edifices, 268.
Dress, Egyptian, 44.
Drilling, process of, 151.
Druids, 293.
Dry point, 229.
Dry rot, 135, 138. Antiseptics for, 139, 140.
Drying oils, 114, 172.
Drying of paint, 172, 173.
Dryness, effect of, on organic substances, 133.
Ductility, 121, 122.
Duleau, on resistance to torsion, 126.
Dulong's chrome red, 165.
Durand, scale of buildings from, 263.
Dutch pink, 167.
Dwellinghouses, commencement of, 307. See Houses.
Dyeing, among the Egyptians, 39. Remarks on the art of, 184.
Dyer's saffron, 166.
Dyes, 185. Blue, 185. Red, 186. Yellow, 188. Black, 189. See Colors.


Earths, see Stones.
Eau de Javelle, 144.
Ebony, 109.
Echinus, a moulding, 268, 272.
Edelkrantz, lamps of, 336.
Eden, dry rot on the, 140, note.
Edifices, drawings of, 268. See Architecture.
Edward I., of England, body of, 141.
Egypt, facts from Herodotus on, 22, 36. Travellers in, 22. Early communication between Greece and, 56.
Egyptian hieroglyphics, 22, 23, 194, note. Arts, 22. Pyramids, 22, 23, 83, 263, 270. Architecture, 23, 269. Sphinxes, 25, 30, 270. Labyrinth, 26. Obelisks, 27, 35, 262. Cities and towns, 28, 33. Houses, 29, 33. Tombs, 32. Sculpture, 32. Mills, 34. Transporting of weights, 34. Glass, 36. Linen, 38. Cotton cloth, 40. Woollen manufactures, 40. Writing materials, 41, 195. Leather, 41. Trades, 42. Furniture, 42. Boats, 43. Dress, 44. Metals and minerals, 45. Gold mines, 46. Civilization, 48.
Elastic gum, 112, 175.
Elastic moulds, 247.
Elasticity of materials, 121.
Elements of building, 252.
Elephant, in the ice of Siberia, 133.
Elephanta, excavation in, 50, 271. Column from the cave of, 298.
Elevation of an edifice, 268.
Elgin marbles, 58, 272, 282, note.
Elm, properties and uses of, 103.
Elmes, Mr., on Persian rites, 53. On articles found at Herculaneum and Pompeii, 63.
Ely, cathedral at, 300.
Embalming, origin of, 32. Facts respecting, 141.
Emery, 89.
Eminences, neighboring, cause smoky rooms, 328.
Encaustic painting, 172.
Engaged, definition of, 266.
England, houses in, before the reign of Elizabeth, 74. First paper mill in, 77. First newspaper in, 77. Hats made in, 78. Table-forks, first used in, 78. Printing introduced into, 209. Lighthouses in, 342.
Englefield, Sir H., process of, for preparing lakes, 166.
English Mercurie, the earliest newspaper published in England, 77.
Engraving, origin of, 76, 228. Wood, 76, 238. On steel, 81, 237. Details respecting, 228. Materials for, 229. Instruments for, 229. Styles of, 229. Line, 230. By stippling, 231. By etching, 231. In mezzo tinto, 233. In aqua tinta, 234. Medallic, 236. Execution of colored, 237. Gem, 250.
Entablature, defined, 267. Egyptian style of, 270.
Entasis of columns, 254.
Entries, loss of heat by, 323.
Eolopile, invented by the ancients, 79.
Epistylium of the entablature, 267.
Equestrian statues, 280.
Erectheus, temple of, 58, 274, 282.
Essenay, cut of an Egyptian temple at, 270.
Essential varnishes, 175.
Etching, in engraving, 231. In lithography, 242.
Eustyle intercolumniation, 277, note.
Evans, Oliver, constructor of high-pressure engines, 80.
Excavations,in Elephanta, 50, 271. At Salsette, 51. Of Indur Subba, 51.
Expression of shape, 222.
Extension in materials, 121.
Extrados of arches, 258.
Eyck, John Van, 76, 172.
Eye, on fixing the, 217.
Eyes of a portrait, 222.


Façade of a building, 266.
Fan ventilators, 325.
Faraday, on caoutchouc, 113, note.
Farrish, Professor, 219.
Fast colors, 191.
Fat oils, 114.
Faust, invention of printing ascribed to, 74. Accused of necromancy, 209.
Faustina, temple of, 268, 287.
Fauteuils, Egyptian, 42.
Feathers and quills, 116.
Fecula, 114.
Feldspar, 84.
Felling timber, hints on, 135.
Felt hats, 78.
Fibres of cotton and linen, 38, 111. Of flax and hemp, 110.
Field of vision, 212.
Fig blue, 165.
Fillet, a moulding, 268.
Filtering stone, see Freestone.
Finsguerra, invention of engraving on metal ascribed to, 76.
Fiore, church of St. Maria del, 261.
Fire damp, 347.
Fireplaces, description of, 308. Pennsylvania, 309. Rumford, 310. Double, 310. Large and smoky, 326. Opposite and smoky, 328.
Fires, in the open air, 307. Open, 308. Modes of procuring, 349. See Heat.
Firs, 106.
Fishes, preservation of, 145.
Fitch, John, steam-navigation tried by, 80.
Fixed oils, 114.
Flagging stones, 86.
Flake white, 169.
Flame, production of, 304. Support of, 332. Transparency of, 340. Lamps without, 348.
Flashing lights, 343.
Flax, preparation of, 40. Preparation and uses of, 109. New Zealand, 110.
Flint, uses of, 88.
Floating lights, 342.
Flock paper, 171.
Floors, 256.
Flowers of zinc, 98.
Flues, hearing by, 318. Contiguous, cause smoky rooms, 329.
Fluor spar, 88.
Fluxes, meaning and uses of, 162.
Flying buttresses, 297.
Folding, union of plates by, 158.
Food, Appert's process of preserving, 146.
Foreshortening, 212.
Forks, first used in England, 78.
Form of materials, 120, 127. Printers', 203.
Foundations of buildings, 253.
Fountain lamps, 337.
Fracture, incipient or partial, 125. Division of materials by, 148.
France, oils used there in lamps, 333.
Francestown, N.H., soapstone quarry at, 86.
Frankfort black, 168.
Franklin, Benjamin, his method of copying writing, 199. On the economy of fire, 309.
Franklin stoves, 309. Modern, 310, note.
Freestone, 85. Capitol at Washington built of, 85, 263.
French berries, 167, 189.
French savans, 22.
Fresco, paintings in, 172.
Frieze of an entablature, 267.
Fuel, heat from, 303. Weight of, 303. Combustible matter of, 304. Water in, 304.
Fugitive colors, 192. Thickened, 193.
Fulton, Robert, successful trial of steam-navigation by, 80.
Fur, use of, in the arts, 115.
Furnaces, 315.
Furniture, Egyptian, 42. Roman, found at Herculaneum and Pompeii, 65.
Fusible metal, 99.
Fustic, colors from, 188.


Gable end of a roof, 295.
Galileo, re-inventor of the telescope, 76.
Gall, ox, 168.
Galls, used for dyes, 189.
Galleys, printers', 203.
Gamboge, 166.
Garnerin, descent of, in a parachute, 78.
Gas, made from coal, 100, 344. Oil, 345.
Gas lights, 81, 343. Portable, 347.
Gasmeter, 347.
Gasometers, 344.
Gauger, on passages for heated air, 310, note.
Gauls, Rome burnt by, 58.
Gay-Lussac, 184, note. On woad, 186.
Gelatin, 118. See Glue.
Gem engraving, 250.
Gensfleisch, John, a printer, 209.
George III., at Birmingham, 18.
German silver, 98.
Gilding, the process of, 177.
Gins for cleansing cotton, 111.
Gioja, John de, invention of the mariner's compass ascribed to, 73.
Girgenti, temple at, 278.
Glass, 17. Early manufacture and use of, in Egypt, 36. At Pompeii, 62, 67. Among the Romans, 67. In England, 75.
Glass porcelain, 37.
Glass shades, 340.
Glass windows, ancient, 62, 75. First used in England, 75.
Glazing, 164.
Glue, among the Egyptians, 42. Different kinds of, 118. Rice, 160. Remarks on, 160.
Glueing, union of materials by, 160.
Gold, uses of, among the ancient Egyptians, 45. Statues of, 49, 249. Value of, in the arts, 97. Preparation of shell, 178.
Gold mines of Egypt, 46.
Goldbeaters' skin, manufacture of, 144. Applied to the Herculaneum manuscripts, 197.
Golden dye, 192.
Goldsmiths invented engraving, 228.
Gothic architecture, rise of the, 72. Style of, 293. Origin of the name, 293. Principle of, 293. Definitions in, 294. Remarks on, 301.
Gouffier, Choiseul, 283.
Granite, use of, in the arts, 84. Large masses of, 84. Crushing of, 122.
Graphite, properties and uses of, 101.
Grates, coal, 313. Anthracite, 314. Burns's, 314.
Graver, 229.
Gravure en taille douce, 230.
Grecians, arts of the, 56. Their architecture, 57, 272, 277. Their sculpture, 58. Painting and painters, 58. Bustrophedon of the, 194. Pediment, in the architecture of the, 262. Account of their temples, 274. Theatres of the, described, 277. Their lamps, 334.
Greco-Gothic style of the leaning tower of Pisa, 263. Remarks on the style, 292, 300.
Greece, early communication between Egypt and, 56.
Greek bustrophedon, 194.
Greens, 167. Mode of procuring, 190. Fast colors in, 192.
Green wood, 305.
Greenstone, water cement from, 93.
Grinding, 156.
Grindstone, see Freestone.
Grist mills, 156.
Groined vaults, 259, 295.
Groins, 259, 295.
Grotto of Pozzuolo, 61.
Ground, laying the, in aqua tinta engraving, 234.
Ground color, in japanning, 175.
Ground line, 215.
Ground plane, 214.
Gum tree, 105.
Gums, and their uses, 115.
Gunpowder, 17. The invention of, 70, 73.
Guttse, 272, 273.
Guttenberg, invention of printing ascribed to, 74. Types used by, 209.
Gypsum, properties and uses of, 87, 207. Moulds made of, 246. See Plaster.


Hackmatack, 107.
Hadrian, 286, 289.
Hair, use of, in the arts, 115.
Halle du Bled, dome of the, 261.
Hanging gardens of Babylon, 50.
Hanging of pictures, 340.
Hardness, of materials, 121. In painting, 224.
Hargreaves, James, spinning-jenny invented by, 77.
Harmony, in painting, 226.
Hats, invention of, 77.
Hawkins's polygraph, 200.
Heart wood of trees, 101.
Heat, production of, 303, 330. Communication of, 306, 330. Radiated and conducted, 306, 330. Retention of, 322, 330.
Heating, houses, 81. Art of, 303. By air-flues, 318. By water, 320. By steam, 320.
Hebrews, arts of the, 54. Their tabernacle, 54.
Hele, Peter, inventor of watches, 76.
Heliography, see Photography.
Hematin, the coloring principle of logwood, 188.
Hemlock, properties and uses of, 106.
Hemp, properties and preparation of, 109. Sisal, 110. Manilla, 110.
Herbarium of plants, 146.
Herculaneum and Pompeii, articles found among the ruins of, 62, 63; statues, 63, 68; pictures, 64, 68; perishable substances, 64; kitchen furniture, 65; for dress and ornament, 66; tools, 66; weights and measures, 66; glass, 67; vases, 67; other articles, 68. Paintings in fresco found at, 172. Manuscripts, 196.
Hercules, 279.
Hermopolis, temple of, 85.
Hero, use of steam by, 79. Fountain of, 334.
Herodotus, facts from, on Egypt, 22, 36. On the Egyptian Labyrinth, 26.
Hesiod, books of, on lead, 195.
Hickory, properties and uses of, 102. A yellow dye, 188.
Hieroglyphics, Egyptian, Champollion's discoveries in, 22, 23, 194, note.
High-pressure engines, first construction of, 80.
Hindoo architecture, 50, 271.
Hipped roofs, 264.
Hirtius, correspondence with, upon plates of lead, 195.
Holland stoves, 315.
Homberg's pyrophorus, 349.
Hones, 88.
Hooke, Dr., inventor of the spring balance, 76. His theory of an arch, 257.
Horizon, or horizontal plane, 214.
Horizontal line, 214.
Horn, composition and uses of, 118.
Hornbeam, error respecting, 106.
Horseshoe arch, 258, 301.
House of Commons, ventilation of the, 325.
Houses, Theban, 29. Egyptian, 33. Roman, 58, 59, 60. In England, before the reign of Elizabeth, 74. Heating, 81, 303, 318, 320. Coverings for the roofs of, 85, 265. Commencement of, 307. See Architecture and Buildings.
Hulls, Jonathan, steam-navigation suggested by, 80.
Hunters, fire built by, 307.
Huygens, inventor of the spring balance, 76.
Hydraulic cements, 92. In the United Stales, 94. Explanation of, 94.
Hydro-oxygen light, 339.
Hydrostatic lamps, 334.
Hypæthral temples, 276.


Ichnographic projection, 218.
Ictinus built the Parthenon, 280.
Ilissus, temple on the, 274, 282.
Illumination, arts of, 331.
Imposing, in printing, 203.
Impost of a pier, 258.
Incipient fracture, 125,
Indelible ink, 199.
India, subterraneous temples in, 50, 271, 298.
India rubber, extended use of, 81. See Caoutchouc.
India rubber cloths, 113.
Indian ink, 169.
Indian red, 166.
Indigo, properties, preparation, and use of, 165, 185, 192.
Indur Subba, excavation of, 51.
Ink, Indian, 169. Ancient and modern, 199. Printer's, 206. Lithographic, 240, 241. Lithographic printing, 243.
Ink drawings, preparation for lithographic, 240.
Inking rollers, 208.
Inlaid works, 251.
Insects, 146.
Insertion, union of materials by, 157.
Instrumental perspective, 216.
Instruments for engraving, 229.
Intaglios, 222, 250.
Intercolumniation, arrangements of, 277, note.
Interlocking, union of materials by, 158.
Interposition, union of materials by, 158.
Intrados of arches, 258.
Intrinsic color, on changing, 183.
Ionic order of architecture, 58,273.
Iran, empire of, 52.
Irish bustrophedon, 194, note
Iron, introduction of, into Egypt, 45. Properties of, and its uses in the arts, 95. Extension and compression of, 122. Rusted, 131.
Isidore, 199, note.
Isinglass glue, 118.
Isometrical perspective, 219.
Israelites, see Hebrews.
Ivory, 117. A writing material, 195, note. Statues of, 249.
Ivory black, 117, 169.


Jansen, inventor of the telescope, 76.
Japanning, the art of, 175.
Jenny, spinning, 77.
Jerasseh, ruins of, 71.
Jewelry, worn by the Egyptians, 44.
Jews, see Hebrews.
Joints, breaking, 256.
Jomard, M., admeasurements of a pyramid by, 23.
Jones, Sir William, on the Persian monarchy, 52.
Jouffroy, Marquis de, steam-navigation first used by, 80.
Jupiter, octagonal temple of, 292.
Jupiter Belus, temple and statue of, 49.
Jupiter Olympius, statue of, 249.
Justinian, mosque of St. Sophia built during the reign of, 262.


Karnac, columns at, 298.
Key-stone of an arch, 257.
Kiers's lamp, 336.
Kindling fires, 303, 314.
King, lamps of, 335.
King posts, 265.
King's yellow, 167.
Kitchen furniture, found at Herculaneum and Pompeii, 65.
Koenig, steam-press by, 208.
Komonbu, column from, 298.


Labor-saving machinery, 81.
Labyrinth, the Egyptian, 26.
Lac, the basis of sealing wax, 114. Remarks on, 174.
Lackering, 176.
Lakes, 166.
Lampblack, 168.
Lamps, Argand, 81, 338. Remarks on, 333. Roman and Grecian, 334. Astral and sinumbral, 334, 341. Hydrostatic, 334. Automaton, 336. Mechanical, 336. Pressure, 337. Fountain, 337. Submarine, 338. Spirit, 339. Reflectors to, 339. Safety, 347. Without flame, 348.
Lancet arch, 258.
Lance wood, 108.
Lantern, of Demosthenes, 58, 274, 283. In Architecture, 294. Of lighthouses, 342.
Laocoon, statue of, 249.
Lapis lazuli, 164.
Lapithse, sculptures of, 272, 281.
Larch, properties and uses of, 107.
Large fireplaces, smoky, 326.
Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci, 251, note.
Lateral and transverse strain, 121, 123.
Lath machines, 150.
Lathes, 152.
Laurentius, 74, 209.
Laying the ground, in aqua tinta engraving, 234.
Lead, properties and uses of, 96. Black, 101. Extension and compression of, 122. Red, 165. White, 169. Chromate of, 190. Written upon, 195.
Leaning tower of Pisa, 263.
Leather, Egyptian, 41. Tanning, 142. Currying, 143. Tawing, 143.
Leaves, writing materials, 195.
Leghorn hats, 112.
Lehigh coal, 304.
Leprince, inventor of engraving in aqua tinta, 235.
Letters, knowledge before the invention of, 193. Invention of, 194. Arrangement of, 194. In a bill of types, 201.
Light, decomposing power of, 178, 181. Direction of, in painting, 221. Reflected, 221. Hydro-oxygen, 339. Measurement of, 341. Brande on, 346. Modes of procuring, 349.
Light and shade, 220.
Lighthouses, 342.
Lights, platinum, 349.
Lightwood, 112, 138.
Lignumvitæ, properties and uses of, 108.
Lime, made from chalk, 88. Mode of obtaining, 91. Chloride of, used in bleaching, 183. Cream of, 344.
Limestone, use of, in Egypt, 34. Cement from, 91.
Limit of bulk in materials and animals, 126.
Line, horizontal, in perspective, 214. Ground, 215. Perpendicular, 215.
Line engraving, 230.
Linen, manufacture of, in Egypt, 38. The fibres of, 38. A writing material, 195, note.
Linking, union of materials by, 158.
Linseed oil, 172.
Lintels, 256.
Lithography, 81. Principles and origin of, 239. Stones for, 239. Preparation of the stones for, 240. Ink and chalk used in, 240, 241. Mode of drawing in, 241. Etching the stone for, 242. Printing, 242. Printing ink for, 243. Remarks on, 243.
Litmus, a pigment, 187.
Live oak, 102.
Local color, in painting, 226.
Locked up, meaning of, among printers, 203.
Locking and locks, the principle of, 159.
Locust, properties and uses of, 103.
Logwood, as a dye, 187.
Lolling chairs, Egyptian, 42.
Lomazzo, Paolo, on Bagisthan, 50.
London, pavement of the streets of, 75.
Looking-glasses, the silvering of, 97.
Lucius Cæsar, 288.
Luni marble, 84.
Lussac, Gay, 184, note. On woad, 186.
Luxor, the temple of, 29. Columns at, 298.
Lysicrates, Choragic monument of, 58, 274, 283.


McAdam roads, 81. Flint used for, 88.
Machine printing, 81, 207.
Machinery, improvements in, in the nineteenth century, 81.
Machines, cutting, 150. Planing, 150. Copying, 199.
Madder, value of, for dyeing, 186.
Magnetism, 17. See Mariner's compass.
Mahogany, properties and uses of, 108. Compression of, 122.
Maison carrée at Nismes, 287.
Malleability of materials, 121.
Maltha, 95, 99.
Manganese, properties and uses of, 99.
Manilla hemp, 110.
Mansard roofs, 264.
Manuscripts, Herculaneum, 196.
Maple, properties and uses of, 104. Colors from the, 189.
Marble, 82. Properties of, 83; works of, 83. Compression of, 122. Sawing, 154. Execution of statues in, 248.
Marcellus, theatre of; 284.
Maria del Fiore, St., 261.
Mariner's compass, invention of the, 17, 70, 73.
Marselle, Girard de, lamps of, 335.
Martyrdom of Christians, in the Coliseum, 60.
Massicot, 167.
Mastic, 114, 174.
Mastich cements, 95.
Masticot, 167.
Matches, 349.
Materials, from the mineral kingdom, used in the arts, 82; stones and earths, 82; cements, 91; metals, 95; combustible substances, 99. From the vegetable kingdom, 101. From the animal kingdom, 115. Form and strength of, 120; modes of estimation, 120; stress and strain; 120; resistance, 121; extension, 121; compression, 122; lateral strain, 123; stiffness, 123; tubes, 124; strength, 124; place of strain, 125; incipient fracture, 125; shape of timber, 125; torsion, 125; limit of bulk, 126; practical remarks, 126. Preservation of, 130; of stones, 130; of metals, 130; of organic substances, 132; of timber, 137; of animal textures, 140; of specimens in natural history, 145; Appert's process, 146. Modes of dividing, 148; of uniting, 157. Changing the color of, 163; by applying superficial color, 163;: by changing intrinsic color, 183. Ancient writing, 195. For engraving, 229. For sculpture, 249.
Matrix, in type-moulds, 201.
Measurement of light, 341.
Measures, of the ancients, 66. Architectural, 268.
Mechanical lamps, 336.
Mechanical perspective, 216.
Mechanical powers, knowledge of, in Egypt, 35, 36.
Medallic engraving, 236.
Memnon, statue of, 33.
Mercury, properties and uses of, 97.
Metal, an ancient writing material, 195.
Metallic engraving, 76.
Metallic sheets on roofs, 265.
Metals, Egyptian, 45. Modern operations in the manufacture of, 78. Used in the arts, 95 iron, 95; copper, 96; lead, 96; tin, 97; mercury, 97; gold, 97; silver, 97; platinum, 98; palladium, 98; zinc, 98; nickel, 98; antimony, 99; cobalt, 99; bismuth, 99; arsenic, 99; manganese, 99. Extension and compression of, 122. Preservation of, 130. Stamping, mills for, 154. Welding, 160. Soldering, 161. Brazing, 161. Casting, 161.
Metopes, 272, 273.
Mezzo relievo, 245.
Mezzotinto engraving, 76, 233.
Mica, 84. Use of, in the arts, 86.
Mica slate, 86.
Middle Ages, arts of the, 72.
Middle tint, 225.
Milan, cathedral of, 259, 263.
Mills, Egyptian, 34. Used in procuring gold, 47. Saw, 153. Stamping, 154. Bark, 155. Oil, 155. Sugar, 155. Cider, 156. Grist, 156. Color, 157.
Millstones, 88, 156.
Minarets, 293.
Mineral green, 168.
Mineral kingdom, materials used in the arts, taken from the, 82; stones and earths, 82; cements, 91; metals, 95; combustible substances, 99. Dyeing colors from the, 190.
Mineral yellow, patent, 167.
Minerals and metals, Egyptian, 45.
Minerva, architecture of the temple of, at Athens, 57, 262, 273, 280. Statue of, 249. Façade of the temple of, 280; sculptures on it, 281. See Parthenon.
Minerva Polias, temple of, 282, note.
Mines, people condemned to the, in ancient Egypt, 46.
Minute of a diameter, 268.
Mirrors, Egyptian, 44. The silvering of, 97.
Modelling objects in sculpture, 245.
Modena, correspondence on lead at the siege of, 195.
Modern times, arts of, 74.
Moderns, see Ancients.
Modes of estimating the strength of materials, 120.
Modillions, 274.
Module of a diameter, 268.
Monopteral temples, 277.
Monolithic temples, 270.
Montgolfier, invention of balloons by, 78.
Monumental pillars, 285.
Moorish arch, 258.
Mordants, in use among the Egyptians, 39. Meaning of, 184. In calico printing, 190.
Moriah, Mount, 55.
Mortar, seldom used by the Grecians, 57, See Cements.
Mortises for trussing, 265.
Mortising, 151. Union of materials by, 158.
Mosaics, 250.
Moscow, riding house at, 264, note.
Mosques, of St. Sophia, 90, 262. Domes of, 90, 262, 292. Of Achmet, 292, 293.
Mouldings, in architecture, 268.
Moulds, for casting, 162. Used by sculptors, 245. Formation of, 246. For bronze statues, 248.
Muller, in color mills, 157.
Mullions, 295.
Mummies in Egypt, 32, 133.
Musical instruments, Egyptian, 44.
Muskets, 73.
Mutules, 272.
Mylassa, sepulchre at, 289.
Myrtle wax, 119.


Nails, 158.
Nankin, Porcelain Tower of, 76.
Naphtha, meaning of, 99. Used in street lamps, 333.
Naples yellow, 167.
Natural history, preservation of specimens of, 133, 142, 145.
Nave, in architecture, 294.
Necromancy, Faust accused of, 209.
Needles, used by the Egyptians, 44.
Neighboring eminences cause smoky rooms, 328.
Nero, the golden house built by, 59; demolished, 60. Conflagration in the reign of, 62.
Newcomen, Thomas, atmospheric engine constructed by, 79.
Newspaper, the earliest in England, 77.
Newton, Isaac, on color, 225.
New York, city hall at, 263.
New Zealand flax, 110.
Nicaragua wood, 188.
Nicholson, on the angle in cutting, 149.
Nickel, 98.
Niepce, experiments by, 179.
Nimrod, Babylon built by, 48.
Nineteenth century, arts of the, 80.
Nineveh, foundation and extent of, 49.
Ninus, temple built by, 49. Founded Nineveh, 49. Statue of, 49.
Nismes, Maison carrée at, 287.
Non-condensing steam-engines, first constructed, 80.
Novaculite, 88.
Nuremberg, the first paper-mill, established at, 77.
Nuremberg eggs, 76.
Nutgalls, 189.


Oak, properties and uses of, 102. Compression of, 122.
Obelisks, Egyptian, 27, 35, 262.
Objects of sculpture, 249.
Ochres, 166. Red, 166. Yellow, 167.
Ogee arch, 258. Talon, 268.
Ogyve, definition of, 295.
Oil, painting, 75, 172 Of turpentine, 112. Mills, 155. Varnishes, 175. Gilding, 177. Gas, 345.
Oils, painting in, 75, 172. Remarks on, 114. Of animals, 119. Used in lamps, 333.
Ointments, used by the Egyptians, 44.
Oolite, 83.
Open air, fire in the, 307.
Open fires, 308.
Opposite fireplaces cause smoky rooms, 328.
Optical instruments, in the middle ages, 72, 73. Of modern times, 74, 76.
Opus reticulatum, 251.
Orange, fast color, 191.
Orchestra, 277.
Orders of architecture, 266. Doric, 272. Ionic, 273. Corinthian, 274. Tuscan, 284. Composite, 284.
Ores, stamping mills for, 154.
Organic substances, preservation of, 132. Influence of temperature on, 132; of dryness, 133; of wetness, 133, Antiseptics, 134.
Oriels, 295.
Original color, in painting, 226.
Original object in perspective, 214.
Original planes, or lines in perspective, 214.
Ornaments, worn by the Egyptians, 44. Found at Herculaneum and Pompeii, 66.
Orpiment, 167, 190.
Orthographic projection, 218.
Ovolo, a moulding, 268.
Ox gall, 168.
Oxford, first press in England at, 209.
Oxymuriatic fire boxes, 349.


Pæstum, ruins of, 83. Temple at, 278.
Pagodas, Chinese, 271.
Paint, preserves wood, 138. Drying of, 172, 173. See Pigments.
Painting, and painters of Greece, 58. Oil, 75, 172. Object of, 164, 173. In distemper, 170. Fresco, 172. Encaustic, 172. Details respecting, and designing, 211. Perspective in, 211. Chiaro oscuro in, 220. Coloring in, 224. Remarks on, 227.
Paintings, Roman, found at Herculaneum, 64. Hanging of, 340.
Palamedes, letters introduced by, 194.
Pale red, 191.
Palladium, 98.
Palm leaves, 112.
Palmyra, ruins of, 290.
Pandroseum, a portico, 274, 282.
Pantheon at Rome, 59, 285. Columns of the, 84. Dome and walls of the, 260, 262. Cut of the, 286.
Paper, ancient Egyptian, 41, 195. Invention and introduction of cotton and linen, 76. Rice, 154, 196, note. Flock, or cloth, 171.
From the papyrus, 196. Facts respecting, 198. For drawing, 230.
Paper mills, the first, 77.
Paper-staining, 171.
Pappenheirn, quarries near, 240.
Papyrus, use and manufacture of paper from the, 41, 195. Manuscripts on, found at Herculaneum, 196.
Parachute, known to jugglers in India, 78.
Parapets, 295.
Parchment, preparation of, 144. First use of 198.
Parian marble, statues of, 84.
Paris, paved, 75. Built with calcareous stone, 83.
Paris, plaster of, see Gypsum.
Parrhasius, a Grecian painter, 58.
Parthenon, architecture of the, 57, 262, 273, 280. Elgin marbles from the, 58, 272, 282, note. Copied, 264. Façade of the, 280. Account of the, 280.
Patent mineral yellow, 167.
Pausanias, 195.
Pavements, ancient and modern, 61, 75. Wooden, 81.
Peachwood, a dye, 188.
Pearl white, 169.
Peat, 101.
Pedestal, definition of, 266.
Pediment, Grecian, 262. Definition of, 267.
Pekin, imperial palace at, 70.
Pencils, black lead, 101.
Pendentives, 260, 295.
Penetration of bodies, 150.
Pennsylvania, fireplaces, 309.
Pent roofs, 264.
Pentelic marble, 83.
Peperino, 90.
Pepperidge, 105.
Pergamena, 198.
Pergamus, 198.
Pericles, the Parthenon built in the time of, 58. Perfection of architecture in the time of, 277. The Propylæa built in the time of, 280.
Peripteral temples, 276, 277.
Peristyle, 276.
Perkins, lock invented by, 159. Steel engraving by, 237. On heating by water, 320.
Perpendicular line, 215.
Persepolis, ruins of, 52. Style of architecture at, 298.
Persians, arts of the, 52.
Persimmon, properties and uses of, 105.
Personal ornaments, Egyptian, 44. Roman, 66.
Perspective, definition of, 211. Field of vision in, 212. Distance and foreshortening, 212. Definitions, 214. Instrumental, 216. Mechanical, 216. Perspectographs for, 217. Projections, 218. Isometrical, 219. Aerial, 224.
Perspective of a building, 268.
Perspective plane, 214.
Perspectographs, 217.
Peter the Great, pedestal of the equestrian statue of, 84.
Petra, facts respecting, 71.
Petroleum, meaning of, 99.
Pharos, 342.
Phidias, sculpture of, 58. Works of, 249. Perfection of architecture in his time, 277. Sculptures supposed to be by, 280.
Philosophy, application of, to the arts, among the moderns, 16; fruitfulness of the theme, 17.
Phoenecin, 186.
Phosphoric fire bottles, 349.
Phosphorus, properties and uses of, 119, 349.
Photogenic drawing, 178.
Photogenic paper, 182.
Photography, discovered by Daguerre, 178. Arago's account of, 179. Anticipated improvements in, 180. The degree of its perfection, 181. Expense of, 182.
Pictures, hanging of, 340. See Paintings.
Pigments, arsenic the basis of, 99. Remarks on, 164. Preparation of, 169. Application of, 170. See Coloring substances, Colors, and Paintings.
Pilasters, definition of, 266.
Pillars, 84, 253. Monumental Roman, 285. Gothic, 295.
Pine, properties and uses of the, 106.
Pine-apple, 110.
Pink, Dutch, 167.
Pinnacles, 295.
Pins, used by the Egyptians, 44.
Pisa, leaning tower of, 263, 292.
Pisé, building in, 256.
Pistols, introduced, 73.
Pitch, 112.
Pitch pine, 106.
Place of strain, in bars, 125.
Plan of an edifice, 268.
Plane tree, 105.
Planing machines, 150.
Plants, preservation of, 146.
Plaster casts, 245. Varnish for, 246, note. Preservation of, 247, note.
Plaster moulds for objects in sculpture, 245. Formation of, 246.
Plaster of Paris, see Gypsum.
Plates of metal, anciently written upon, 195.
Platinum, value of, in the arts, 98.
Platinum lights, 349.
Plinth, definition of, 266.
Pliny, on obelisks, 27. On the preparation of flax, 40.
Plumbago, properties and uses of, 101.
Points, of view, 214. Of sight, 214. Of distance, 215. Vanishing, 216. Dry, 229.
Pola, temple at, 288.
Polishing, remarks on, 97, 176.
Polishing slate, 90.
Polychroite, 189.
Polygraph, Hawkins's, 200.
Pompadour, fast color, 191.
Pompeii, see Herculaneum.
Pompey's Pillar, 84.
Poplar, error respecting, 104.
Porcelain, glass, 37.
Porcelain Tower of Nankin, 70.
Porphyry, 88.
Porta, John Baptista, invented the camera obscura, 76.
Portable gas lights, 347.
Porter's automaton lamp, 336.
Porticos, Chinese, 271. Of the Temple of the Sun, 290.
Portland stone, 83. Compression of, 122.
Portraits, eyes of, 222.
Post, king, 265. Queen, 265.
Posticus of Grecian temples, 275.
Pottery, Egyptian, 42.
Pozzuolo, grotto of, 61.
Praxiteles, sculpture of, 58.
Precious stones, 89.
Preparation of coloring substances, 169.
Preservation, of materials, 130. Of stones, 130. Of metals, 130. Of organic substances, 132. Of timber, 137. Of animal textures, 140. Of specimens in natural history, 145. Of food, 146. Of plaster casts, 247, note.
Press, correcting the, 203. Printing, 206.
Press-work, 206.
Pressure lamps, 337.
Priestley, Joseph, on instrumental perspective, 216.
Priming, for japanning, 175.
Principal visual ray, 214.
Printers' ink, 206.
Printing, 17. The basis of modern civilization and intelligence, 74. Invention of, 74. Calicoes, 77, 190. By machinery, 81, 207. The arts of writing and, considered, 193. Details respecting, 200. History of, 208. Introduced into England, 209. Copperplate, 236. Chemical, 239. Lithographic, 242.
Printing ink, lithographic, 243.
Printing press, 206.
Procuring light, modes of, 349.
Production of heat, 303. See Heat.
Projections of a body, 218.
Pronaos of Grecian temples, 275.
Proofs, meaning of, 203. Signs for correcting, 204.
Propylæa, 273, 279, 280.
Proscenium, 277.
Prostyle temples, 275.
Prussian blue, 165, 190.
Pseudo-dipteral temples, 276.
Pulpitum, in the theatre, 277.
Pulvis puteolanus, 93.
Pumice, use of, 90.
Purple, fast, 191. Fugitive, 192.
Puteoli, puzzolana found at, 93.
Putty, for polishing, 97. For cement, 160.
Puzzolana, 92, 93.
Pycnostyle intercolumniation, 277, note.
Pyramids, the Egyptian, 22, 23, 48. Materials of the, 83. Outline of one of the, 263. Peculiarly Egyptian, 270.
Pyrophorus. Homberg's, 349.


Quadrats, printers', 202,
Quadrupeds, preservation of, 145.
Quartz, 84.
Queen posts, 265.
Queen's blue, 165.
Quercitron bark, 188, 190, 191, 192.
Quicklime, 91.
Quicksilver, properties and uses of, 97.
Quills, properties and uses of feathers and, 116. Earliest notice of, 198, note.
Quincy stone, 85.
Quoina, used by printers, 203.


Rabbeting, union of materials by, 158.
Radiated heat, 306, 330.
Raffaelli, Last Supper executed under the direction of, 251, note.
Rafters, 264.
Rail-roads, and rail-ways, the first steam-carriage on, 80.
Rameses, the obelisks of, 27.
Rampant arch, 258.
Ravenna, Tomb of Theodoric at, 83.
Ray, visual, 214.
Rays of light, decomposition by, 178, 181.
Red, cedar, 107. Lead, 165 Ochre, 166. Dyes, 186, 191, 192.
Reds, 165. Fast, 191. Fugitive, 192.
Reeded column, 301.
Reflected light, 221.
Reflectors for lamps, 339.
Refractory clays, 91.
Reid, ventilation by, 325.
Relief, meaning of, 220. The varieties of, 245.
Rennie, experiments by, on the extension of materials, 122.
Reptiles, preservation of, 145.
Reservoirs of oil, in lamps, 333.
Resilience, 121.
Resins, employed in the arts, 114.
Resistance, dry rot on the, 140, note.
Resistance of materials, 121.
Restorations, in architecture, 269.
Retention of heat, 322. See Heat.
Reticulated walls, 255.
Reverberating furnaces, 315.
Revolving lights, 342.
Rhode Island coal, 100.
Rhus, copallinum, 174. Vernix, 175.
Rice glue, 160.
Rice paper, 154, 196, note.
Riding, Roman, 63. Riding carriages and, in France, in 1550, 75; in England, in 1625, 75.
Rivets, 158.
Roads, Roman, 61. McAdam,81, 88.
Robison, on the strain of materials, 120. On resistance to torsion, 126.
Roller gin, for cleansing cotton, 111.
Rollers, inking, 208.
Roman, arts, 58. Houses, 58, 62. Architecture, 59, 284, 285. Temples and triumphal arches, 60, 285, 289. Monumental columns, 60, 285. Roads, 61. Bridges, 61. Aqueducts, 61, 285. Baths, 62, 285. Riding, 63. Statuary, implements, &c, found at Pompeii, 63. Cements, 92, 94. Structures, 285. Lamps, 334. See Temples.
Roman Doric order of architecture, 284.
Roman Ionic order of architecture, 284.
Romanesque architecture, 292.
Rome, Egyptian obelisks in, 27. Burnt, 58, 62.
Roofs, coverings for, 85, 265. Different kinds of, 264. Egyptian, 269. Chinese, 271.
Rooms, smoky, 326. Close, 327.
Ropes,made from the date-tree, 41.
Rose pink, a lake, 166.
Rose windows, 295.
Rosewood, 109.
Rosin, 112, 114.
Rotten stone, 90.
Rotting hemp and flax, 109.
Rouen, triumphal entry of Charles VII. into, 78.
Rouge, 166.
Rouge d'Angleterre, 166.
Rozier, Pilatre de, the first aeronaut, 78.
Rubble walls, 255.
Ruby, 89.
Rule, printers', 202.
Rumford, Count, 309. Angle in fireplaces recommended by, 310. Principle of, for lamps, 334. On the brilliancy of flame, 340.
Rumford fireplace, 310.
Rurnsey, James, steam navigation tried by, 80.
Runner stones, in barkmills, 155.
Rupert, Prince, mezzotinto engraving by, 76, 233.
Russian stoves, 316.


Saddles, Roman, 63.
Safety lamps, 347.
Safflower, 166, 188.
Saffron, various colors from, 189.
Sagging of the tie beam, 265.
St. Genevieve's church, 262.
St. Maria del Fiore, church of, 261.
St. Mark's church, 262, 292.
St. Paul's church, in London, dome of, 260, 261.
St. Paul's church, at Rome, 300.
St. Peter's church, at Rome, 261.
St. Petersburgh, columns at, 84.
St. Sophia, dome of the mosque of, 90, 262.
Sais, monolith at, 36.
Salisbury cathedral, 301.
Salona, palace at, 292, 300.
Salsette, excavations in the island of, 51, 271.
Salt, preservation of wood with, 139. Bleaching, 183.
Sand, used in the arts, 89. In mortar, 91.
Sandarac, 174.
Sandstone, 34, 85.
Sap, the getting rid of, 136, 137.
Sap green, 168.
Sap wood, or alburnum, 101.
Sappan wood, 188.
Sapphire, 89.
Saracenic architecture, rise of the, 72. Style of, 292.
Sarcophagi, in Egypt, 24, 32. Preservation of the, 133.
Satin wood, 109.
Savery, Thomas, steam apparatus of, 79.
Savin, error respecting, 107.
Saw-gin, for cleansing cotton, 111.
Saw-mills, 152.
Sawing, division of materials by, 152.
Saws, mill, 152. Circular, 153.
Saxon architecture, 292.
Saxon blue, 186.
Scagliola, 251.
Scarfing, 158, 265.
Scena, 277.
Scenographic projection, 218.
Schoeffer, Peter, types first cast by, 209.
Schoengaur, invention of engraving on metal ascribed to, 76.
Schwartz, supposed to be the inventor of gunpowder, 73.
Sciences, use of the word, 13. Connexion of, with the arts, 13; their comparative connexion in ancient times and modern, 14.
Scientific artists, 14.
Scotia, a moulding, 268.
Scraper, for engraving, 229.
Screws, use of, 158.
Sculpture, Egyptian, 32. Grecian, 58. Details respecting, 244. Practice of, 248. Materials for, 249. Objects of, 249. See Statues.
Sealing wax, composition of, 160.
Seasoning timber, 136, 137.
Section, definition of, 268.
Seed lac, 174.
Seguier, on the temple at Nismes, 288, note.
Semiramis, obelisks of, 27. Works executed by, 49. Statue of, 49. Works by, on the mountain Bagisthan, 50. Rock brought from the mountains by, 270.
Senefelder, Alois, 239.
Sepia, 169, 199.
Sepulchre of Amasis, 25. At Mylassa, 289.
Serpentine, use of, in building, 87.
Sesostris, the obelisks of, 27.
Shade, light and, 220.
Shades, in colored paintiags, 225. Glass, 340.
Shadows, in chiaro oscuro, 224.
Shaft of a column, 266.
Shape, expression of, 222.
Shape of timber, 125.
Shell, 117. Tortoise, 118.
Shell gold, the preparation of, 178.
Shell lac, 174.
Shingle machines, 150.
Ships, sheathing of, 131.
Short chimneys, 327.
Siberia, elephant found in, 133.
Sienite, 85.
Sienna, burnt, 166. Terra di, 167.
Sight, point of, 214.
Signatures, in printing, 203.
Silk, 117.
Silliman, Prof., on gases, 344.
Silsilis, 298.
Silver, value of, in the arts, 97.
Simonides, letters introduced by, 194.
Sinkicien, pagoda at, 271.
Sinumbral lamp, 334, 341.
Sisal hemp, 110.
Size, a kind of glue, 118.
Sizes of types, 201.
Skins, 115, 142. See Leather.
Skylights, 323.
Slaking of lime, 91.
Slate, use of, in the arts, 85. Mica, 86. Polishing,90. On roofs,265.
Slate clay, 91.
Smalt, 165.
Smoke, burning of, 329.
Smoky rooms, 326.
Soap, arsenical, of Becosur, 145, note.
Soapstone, use of, in the arts, 86, 312. Quarries of, 86.
Soldering metals, 161.
Solenhofen, quarries of, 240.
Solomon's temple, 55.
Soul, Egyptian belief respecting the, 32.
Souring, in bleaching, 183.
Space, in printing, 202.
Spalatro, temple and palace at, 292, 300.
Span of an arch, 258.
Spandrells, 295.
Spanish brown, 168.
Spar, fluor, 88. Derbyshire, 88.
Spelter, properties and uses of, 98.
Spencer, A., medallic engraving invented by, 236.
Sphinxes, the Egyptian, 25, 30, 270. Persian, 52.
Spindles, Egyptian, 39.
Spinning jenny, by Hargreaves, 77. By Arkwright, 77.
Spire, definition of, 294. Gothic, 302.
Spirit lamp, 339.
Spirit of turpentine, 112.
Spirit varnishes, 175.
Splicing beams, 265.
Spring balance,invention of the,76.
Springing lines of arches, 258.
Spruce, properties and uses of, 106.
Stage-coaches, introduced in England, 75.
Staining, paper, 171.
Stamping mills, 154.
Starch, manufacture of, 114. Indigo reduced by, 165.
State House, in Boston, 264.
Statues, of Memnon, 33. Grecian, 58. Found at Herculaneum and Pompeii, 63. Materials of, 84. Equestrian, of Peter the Great, 84. Execution of, in marble, 248. Used instead of columns, 274, 282. Equestrian, 280. Among the Elgin marbles, 282. See Sculpture.
Steam, ancient knowledge of the power of, 79. Heating by, 81, 320.
Steam-boats, 81.
Steam-carriage, the first, on a railway, 80.
Steam-engine, 18. History of the invention of the, 79.
Steam-navigation, early history of, 80.
Steam printing presses, 208.
Steam-vessels, the first which crossed the Atlantic, 80.
Steel, 95. Extension of, 122.
Steel-engraving, 81. Process of, 237.
Steeping, in bleaching, 183.
Steeple, definition of, 294.
Stephens, cited respecting Thebes, 29.
Stereotyping, 81. Details respecting, 206.
Stick, composing, 202.
Stick lac, 174.
Stiffness of materials, 121, 123.
Stippling, 231.
Stone-blue, 165.
Stones, earths and, used as materials in the arts, 82; marble, 82; granite, 84; sienite, 85; freestone, 85; slate, 85; mica, 86; mica slate, 86; soapstone, 86;
serpentine, 87; gypsum, 87; alabaster, 87; chalk, 87; fluor spar, 88; flint, 88; porphyry, 88; buhrstone, 88; novaculite, 88; precious stones, 89; emery, 89; sand, 89; pumice, 90; tufa, 90; peperino, 90; tripoli, 90;. clay, 90; asbestos, 91. Preservation of, 130. Anciently written upon, 195. Lithographic, 239.
Stopped out, in engraving, 232, 235.
Stoves, Franklin, 309, 310, note. Holland, 315. Russian, 316. Thermometer, 317.
Strabo, 27. On the Temple of Apollo Didymasus, 282.
Strain and stress of materials, 120. Lateral and transverse, 121, 123. Place of, 125.
Strasburg, steeple of the Gothie cathedral at, 263.
Straw, 112.
Street lamps, 334.
Strength, modes of estimating the, in materials, 120, Remark on, 121. Of beams, 124, 127.
Stress and strain of materials, 120.
Stucco work, gypsum used for, 87.
Stump, used with crayons, 170.
Styles, of engraving, 229. Of building, 266. Egyptian, 269. Hindoo, 271. Chinese, 271. Grecian, 272. Roman, 284. Greco-Gothic, 292. Saracenic, 292. Gothic, 293. See Architecture and Buildings.
Stylobate, 266, 285.
Stylus, the Roman, 195, 198.
Subjects of sculpture, 244.
Sublimation, 163.
Submarine lamps, 338.
Subterraneous temples in India, 50, 271, 298.
Sugar mills, 155.
Sulphur, 101.
Summer-strained oil, 333, note.
Sun, decomposing power of the rays of the, 178, 181. Temple of the, 290.
Superficial color, on applying, 163.
Support of flame, 332.
Surbase of a pedestal, 266.
Surgeons' instruments, found at Heroulaneum and Pompeii, 66.
Swedish stoves, 316.
Swell of columns, 254.
Sycamore, 105.
Systyle intercolumniation, 277, note.


Tabernacle, the Jewish, 54.
Table-forks, first used in England, 78.
Taisnier, on diving-bells at Toledo, 79.
Talbot, experiments by, 179, 182.
Tallow, 119.
Talon, 268.
Tamarack, 107.
Tannin, 118, 142.
Tanning, pods of the Acacia Nilotica used for, 41. Process of, 142.
Tar, 112.
Tarras mortar, 93.
Tartars lived in tents, 271.
Tawing skins, 143.
Teak wood, 108.
Telescope, invented, 74, 76.
Temper, in tools, 149.
Temperature, influence of, on organic substances, 132, 133.
Temples, Egyptian, 25, 29, 270. Of Luxor and Carnac, 29, 30. Of Jupiter, 49, 292. Subterraneous, in India, 50, 271, 298. Solomon's, 55. Windows in the, 55. Of Minerva, 57, 262, 273, 280, 281. Of Erectheus, 58, 273, 274, 282. Of Hermopolis, 85. Of Vesta, at Tivoli, 262, 28fi. On the Ilissus, 262, 274, 282. Of Antoninus and Faustina, 268, 287. At Essenay, 270. Of Latona, 270. Of Theseus, 273, 279. Account of Grecian, 274. At Pæstum, 278. Of Concord, 278. Of Apollo Didymæus, 282. Of Minerva Polias, 282, note. At Nismes, 287. At Pola, in Istria, 288. Of the Sun, 290. Circular, at Balbec, 290.
Tent, the elementary feature in Chinese architecture, 271.
Terra, di sienna, 166, 167. Verte, 168.
Terras mortar, 93.
Textures, preservation of animal, 140.
Theatres, ancient, 277, 285.
Thebes, account of, 28. Stephens cited respecting, 29. Columns at, 298.
Theodoric, tomb of, 83. Illiterate, 198, note.
Thermæ, Roman, 62, 285.
Thermometer Stoves, 317.
Theseus, temple of, 273, 279. Arch of, 288.
Thrasyllus, monument of, 281.
Thrust, 259.
Tie beams, 264.
Timber, shape of, 125. Decay of, 134. Felling, 135. Seasoning, 136. Preservation of, 137. Charring, 138. Impregnation of, 138. Effect of salt on, 139. Docking, 139. Other antiseptics for, 140.
Tin, properties and uses of, 97. Extension and compression of, 122.
Tin plates, 97.
Tinder, 349.
Tingry, recipe by, 171, note.
Tints, in paintings, 225.
Tivoli, temple at, 262, 288.
Tombs, ancient Egyptian, 32. Of Beni Hassan, 48. Objects found in the ancient Grecian, 57. Of Theodoric, at Ravenna, 83.
Tone, in painting, 226.
Tongueing, 158.
Tools, Egyptian, 42. Temper in, 149.
Tophus, 83.
Torches, 332.
Torsion, on resisting, 126.
Tortoise shell, 118.
Torus, a moulding, 268.
Tower, definition of, 294.
Tower of the Winds, 284.
Tracery, 297.
Tracing paper, 230, note.
Trades, Egyptian, 42.
Tradition, 193.
Trajan, the column of, 60, 262. Bridge built by, 61. Petra conquered by, 71. Arch of, 290.
Transept, in architecture, 294.
Transparency of flame, 340.
Transparent colors, 164.
Transporting weights, Egyptian mode of, 34.
Transverse strain, 121, 123.
Trass mortar, 93.
Travellers into Egypt, 56.
Travertino, 83.
Tredgold, Mr., 122, 124, note, 322.
Trees, see Timber.
Treussart, on cements, 94, note.
Trevithick and Vivian, 80.
Triglyphs, 272.
Tripoli, use of, 90.
Triumphal arches, 60, 285, 289.
Troyes, blanc de, 169.
Trussing, 265.
Tubes, 124.
Tufa, use of, 90.
Tulip-tree, 104.
Tupelo, 105.
Turkey oilstone, 88.
Turmeric, a dye, 189.
Turncaps, 328.
Turning, 152.
Turnsol, a pigment, 187.
Turpentine, 112. Bodies preserved with the oil of, 142.
Turpeth mineral, 167.
Turrets, 294.
Tuscan order of architecture, 284.
Twisted column, 300.
Tympanum of a pediment, 267.
Type-metal, antimony in, 99, 200.
Types, manufacture of, 200. Case for, 201. Bill of, 201. Sizes of, 201. First cast, 209.
Tyrians, alliance of the Jews with, in building the Temple, 55.


Ulam of Solomon's Temple, 56.
Ultramarine, 164.
Umber, 168.
Union of materials, 157--161.
United States Bank, 264.
Ure, Dr., on ventilation, 325.


Van Eyck, John, 76, 172.
Vanishing point, 216.
Varnishes, 114, 173, 174. For plaster casts, 246, note.
Varnishing, 173--176.
Vases, Roman, 67.
Vaults, architectural, 259, 295.
Vegetable kingdom, materials from the, used in the arts, 101-- 115.
Vehicles, Egyptian, 43.
Vellum, 144.
Veneering, 153.
Venetian red, 166.
Venetians, Athens besieged by, 281.
Ventilation, 324, 330.
Ventilators, 324.
Venus de Medicis, 84, 249.
Verandahs, Chinese, 271.
Verdigris, 167.
Vermilion, 165.
Verte, terra, 168.
Vespasian, 60.
Vesta, temple of, at Tivoli, 262, 288.
Vicat, on hydraulic cements, 94, note.
View, point of, 214. Birdseye, 219.
Vignola, 261.
Vinci, Leonardo da, Last Supper by, 251, note.
Vision, field of, 212.
Visual ray, 214.
Vitruvius, on Grecian temples, 275. On intercolumniation, 277, note.
Vivian and Trevithick, 80.
Volatile oils, 114, 333.
Volutes, 273.
Voussoirs of arches, 258.


Wafers, 160.
Wall, the Chinese, 69.
Walls, of buildings, 254. Of the Pantheon, 260. Egyptian style of, 269. Of Gothic churches, 294.
Walnut, properties and uses of, 102. Black, 105. A yellow dye, 188.
Wards of locks, 159.
Warming houses,see Heating.
Wash leather, 144.
Washington, Capitol at, 85, 263.
Watches, invented, 76.
Water, preservation of wood under, 133, 134. In fuel, 304. Heating by, 320.
Water cements, 92. In United States, 94. Explanation of, 94.
Water colors, 170.
Water rotting hemp, 109.
Water seasoning, 137.
Water spinning frame, 77.
Watt, James, improvements in the steam-engine by, 80. Copying machine of, 200.
Wax, 119. Used in writing, 195.
Wedgewood's ware, 88.
Weight of fuel, 303.
Weights, Egyptian mode of transporting, 34. Ancient, 66.
Weld, a yellow dye, 188.
Welding metals, 160.
Wells, Theban, 32.
Westminster Abbey, 297.
Wetness, effect of, 133.
Whalebone, 118.
Whales, bulk of, 126.
Wheel windows, 295.
Whetstones, 89.
White, arsenic, 99. Wood, 104, Pine, 106. Cedar, 107. Lead, 169.
Whites, 169.
Whiting, 87, 169.
Whitney, Eli, inventor of the cotton-gin, 111.
Wild cherry tree, 103
Wilford, Captain, on the Egyptian Labyrinth, 26.
Wilkinson, on Egypt, 22.
William the Conqueror, 141.
Willow, 107.
Wind furnaces, 315.
Windows, in ancient temples, 55. Roman, 62, 75. Gothic, 295. Loss of heat through, 323.
Winds, Tower of the, 284.
Winter-strained oil, 333, note.
Wire-drawing, invention of, 78.
Woad, 186.
Wollaston, eyes in a portrait, 223. Experiments on colors by, 225, note.
Wood, description of, 101. Preservation of, under water, 133. Green and dry, 305. See Timber.
Wooden pavements, 81.
Wood-engraving, invention of, 76. Execution of, 238.
Wool, growth and use of, 116.
Woollen manufactures of the Egyptians, 40.
Worcester, Marquis of, 79.
Wren, Sir Christopher, St. Paul's cathedral erected by, 261. Names the Gothic architecture, 293.
Writing, materials for, among the ancients, 41, 195. Instruments, for, 198. Inks for, 199. Copying machines, 199.


Yellow ochre, 167.
Yellows, 166, 188. Fast, 192. Fugitive, 192. Facts respecting, 225, 226.
York cathedral, 296, 297.


Zabaglia repairs the dome of St. Peter's church, 261.
Zeuxis, a Grecian painter, 58.
Zinc, properties and uses of, 98.
Zinc white, 169.
Zophorus of the ancients, 267.

[Illustration: Plate I] [Illustration: Plate II]

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