Descent On Linux and BSD

Removed D1x 1.34 due to problems with compiling on Linux.
1999-Feb-11 Added D1x 1.32
1999-Mar-18 Added D1x 1.34
1999-Mar-19 Added D1x 1.35
1999-May-5 Added D1x 1.36
1999-May-15 Added Editor Patch
1999-June-9 Added D1x 1.37
1999-Sep-1 Remove D1x 1.3? due to space considerations
1999-Sep-11 Added D1x 1.40


D1x HomePage

Ldescent Homepage

Arne de Bruijn's Ldescent Patches

SDL Homepage (used by D1x)


Newest version is ldescent-0.0.21 available at Arne's page or from here



Requires Registerd Descent 1.4+ data files to run

LDescent Documentation


Newest version is d1x v1.40 available from the D1x homepage and here.



D1x Documentation

D1 Tools

I am trying to make as complete of a set of Descent 1 tools that run on Linux/BSD as possible. Download here. Now moved to github: d1tools. Here is what I have so far:


Mailing Lists

LDescent and D1x each have a mailing list.

This list is mainly about LDescent but also will sometimes discusses d1x on Linux. To subscribe to the LDescent mailing list, send mail to with "subscribe ldescent <your email address>" in the body of the message.

This mailing list mainly discusses the D1x project. To join, send a mail without any subject and the body as: "subscribe descent-source (your email address)" to!

Send comments, suggestions etc. to Josh Cogliati