Enhancements since last D1X version. ----------------------------------------------------- This file describes a few of the enhancements of the current D1X version since the last official release. A full list is in the file readme.d1x, and descriptions of features in previous versions can be found in the file d1x.txt. Contents -------- 1. Multiplayer commands 2. Multiplayer menus 3. Other multiplayer enhancements 4. General gameplay enhancements 1. Multiplayer commands ----------------------- *** Multiplayer message commands are now prefaced by either a / or a $. commands that take a parameter can use either a space or a colon. ie: to ping, at the f8 prompt "message:" type: "/ping " - /ALTVULCAN This function sets all d1x players with compatable versions to use the alternate vulcanfire functionality. Anyone in the game can use this function. - /BAN: This function bans the specified player. NOTE: You must be the game master in order to use this function. ban changes are not saved between games automatically. Use the game master menu or the command line switch to save bans. If you use this on a person who is currently in the game, but does not have the d1x 'kick' functionality, the person will not be expelled from the game. Anyone banned, however, will not be able to join as long as you are the game master. If you save bans, they will be stored in the file bans.d1x in the d1 root directory. Bans are applied on the tcpip equivalant of x.x.x.* - /BANN: This functtion works as the above /BAN:, but uses the current order of players in the kill list to select the player to be banned. - /UNBAN: This function unbans the specified player. NOTE: You must be the game master in order to use this function. ban changes are not saved between games automatically. Use the game master menu or the command line switch to save bans. - /UNBANN: This functtion works as the above /UNBAN:, but uses the current order of players in the kill list to select the player to be unbanned. - /BANLIST or /LISTBANS Lists the current game's bans. - /CLEARBANS Clears all bans from the list. Just like using UNBAN or UBANN on each ban. 2. Multiplayer menus -------------------- This section describes the network join game and start game menu enhancements. - In game, game master menu CTRL-N during a game to bring up this menu. From here, you can change values for joining players. You can make the game close/open, restricted, change the maximum number of players, change the game name, and change the reactor invulnerability. These changes are communicated to all d1x players with versions 1.40 or later, and effect all players joining after the change. Bans can also be saved locally in this menu. Only the game master has access to this menu. - Join game menu This should mostly explain itself. A plus sign (+) after the game number means that it's a D1X game, which is currently only visible for D1X v1.01 and higher users. If the gamemode is UNSUP, then the game uses features not available in your version. Upgrade to a new version to play this game. - U key press the 'U' key to get the users/pilots currently in the selected game - I key press the 'I' key to get game information on the selected game - S key press the 'S' key to get score grid for the selected game (will not automatically update) - D1X options (submenu from Start new game menu) Here you can set options new for the D1X versions: - Alternate Vulcanfire This enables the use of the alternate firing system for the vulcan cannon. The alternate vulcanfire works works by changing the firing of the vulcan to a local system. Instead of 'fire' packets, the firing player sends 'vulcan on' or 'vulcan off' packets. On packets are sent periodically, but are less often than the original vulcan fire packets, and are much smaller. Off packets are sent whenever the trigger is released. D1x players who have a recent enough version keep note of the on/off state of a player, and if there is a player that is marked 'on', they create vulcan shots emanating from the player at his current position. If no 'on' packets have been received for a period of time (about half a second), then the vulcan automatically turns off. Normal packet behavior is used for any players that do not have d1x or do not have a recent enough version. 3. Other multiplayer enhancements --------------------------------- - ping statistics: ping loss% pressing ctrl-f7 turns on the ping display. This periodically pings the other players in the game, and shows the most recent pingtime, and keeps a loss statistic next to the player names score. The loss values are reset every 5 minutes. At the times when the values are reset, the loss may jump to negative or slightly positive numbers for a time. Don't worry about it until it stays consistant over longer periods of time. As of d1x 1.40, ping packets are very small. Older versions of d1x, however, user rather large packets for pinging, so beware if there are many players with older versions using this functionality, as it might lead to packet flooding. You can turn this display on by default with the command line switch -pingstats - Recent message buffer Press Alt-F8, and the last HUD messages will be repeated, up to the full screen. - Many of the older bugs with d1x, specifically, have been fixed. Item spew appears where it should, even in high loss/lag situations, the shield-orb loss is fixed locally (may still occur if older versions are in the game), and other problems, as well. 4. General gameplay enhancements -------------------------------- These enhancements are useful for both single and multiplayer. - Alternate hud views Switch between the new alternate hud views using alt-f7. You can set the default using the command line switch -hud . There are three settings. 0 = normal 1 = show weapon/ammo/availability listings 2 = in fullscreen, same as #1, but in different places. In cockpit or statusbar, exact same as #1. - -hwsurface command line switch For Linux users, only. Instead of using local ram buffer, the framebuffer is accessed directly for displaying. Usually gains quite a few fps.